

Our Trusted Affiliates: Products We Love and Recommend

The products and vendors listed here are all things that we use ourselves — and love! By shopping with these links, nothing changes for YOU (if there is a sale you still get it, you can still use Amazon Prime, etc.), but we earn a small commission which we are proud to donate — 100%. Shopping with the links below will automatically contribute to these charities.

Get $50 off when you sign up and use the code TAMSACHS27.  These pre-made meals arrive fresh with the easiest instructions:  just re-heat and eat. No cooking required.  With 200+ gourmet options, there are prepared dishes for every kind of eater.

Misfits Market is dedicated to making affordable, high-quality food more accessible while helping break the cycle of food waste. They work directly with farmers and makers to rescue organic produce and other grocery items that might otherwise go to waste, then deliver them to your door — passing the savings on to you. Every Misfits Market box you order benefits farmers, helps prevent food waste, and ultimately helps save our environment. Use the code COOKWME-JZ6USQ to save $10 on your first order.

Thrive Market is an online membership-based market on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. Choose a FREE gift, up to a $22 value, when you join today! And for every paid membership ($9.95/mo or $59.95/yr), Thrive donates one membership to a low-income American family, a veteran or a teacher. Click here to learn more.

The ultimate source for all things sprouts. Sprouts are super foods; enzymes and protein with up to 100x more antioxidants than adult plants. There are dozens of different tastes and textures; try radish, mung and lentil sprouts! Living, organic plant food for just pennies. I love my Freshlife Sprouter. It produces 4+ different kinds of sprouts in just three days. Click here to learn more.

Sustainably harvested wild Alaskan fish and more! Yummy! Flash frozen in Alaska and shipped on dry ice to your door. The reason I have salmon, cod and halibut in my freezer is that Vital Choice does third party testing for mercury and also checks radiation levels. See their website for smart info and recipes. Click here to learn more

Finally, I’ve found a new BPA-free water filter that removes 90-99% of fluoride, chlorine, lead, mercury and other toxins that previously required reverse osmosis to remove. You’ll never need to buy water in a plastic water bottle again. Also, at 0.35 cents per gallon, it costs about half the price of other filters — and NSF-certifies their claims. Click here to learn more

ALOHA sells plant-based protein bars, powders and drinks with super simple ingredients.  Click here to learn more.

A bunch of our favorite products are sold on Amazon — click here to see them all!

Did you know your electronic devices emit harmful radiation (EMFs)?  Protect yourself with SafeSleeve’s FCC-accredited, lab-tested shielding technology that can block over 99% of RF and 92% of ELF radiation.  Click here to learn more.

Action you can take against the body-penetrating effects of electromagnetic fields.  Click here to learn more.

My favorite sauna — it’s beautiful, well made, and easy to install and move. No plastic, paint or any toxic finishes. The built-in speakers and other details demonstrate the high quality of this sauna. My 2-person High Tech Health Sauna is roomy and economical.  Mention that I referred you and you’ll receive a SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLAR discount.  Call 303-413-8500, Ext. 1 to order or click here to learn more.

HeartMath’s emWave2 is a hand-held device you can take with you anywhere.  The emWave® technology is an innovative approach to improving wellness and facilitating personal growth based on learning to change your heart rhythm pattern to create the state of coherence.  Get your heart in sync with emWave®2.  Click here to learn more.

Wheatgrass juice — farm fresh and delivered right to your door.  Click here to learn more.

The Art of Meditation Global Summit 2025 is an 8-day online event about the art of meditation across various traditions and practices, helping individuals deepen their practice and awaken to their fullest potential.  Free and online March 11-18, 2025  Click here to learn more.

The keyword Chronic Disease shows 2.4 billion Google search results. Keyword: Health shows 15 billion Google search results.  How in the world can we sort through so much information and misinformation?  35+ expert speakers provide evidence-based chronic disease solutions that work in the Lifestyle Medicine Summit, free and online October 20-29, 2023.  Click here to learn more.

The Reverse Alzheimer’s 3.0 Summit provides groundbreaking solutions and support to those affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia. It is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.  Click here to learn more.

Overcome fatigue, cultivate higher energy levels, improve immunity and elevate your zest for life when you step into a supercharged version of yourself! 41 expert talks sharing the science and secrets of unlocking SUPERHUMAN ENERGY! Don’t miss The Superhuman Energy Summit from July 13-19, 2020, free and online!  Click here to learn more.

These 44 talks will cover all aspects of vagus nerve dysfunction and its role in health and healing, as well as a wide range of mind- and body-based strategies to increase vagal tone and rebalance the autonomic nervous system. Each day of the summit ends with a unique “Vagus Nerve Stimulation Session” that can be used right away to help improve your vagus function. Don’t miss The Mind, Body & The Vagus Nerve Connection Summit from June 15-21, 2020, free and online!  Click here to learn more.

Chronic diseases, like cancer, cardiovascular problems and diabetes are by far the leading cause of premature death in the world. They’re avoidable with a strong immune system! Gain the best strategies to rejuvenate your immune system and neutralize the threat of drug-resistant superbugs, pandemics, viruses and other chronic infections. Don’t miss The Immune Defense Summit from June 8-14, 2020, free and online!  Click here to learn more.

5G wireless is rapidly expanding on a global level — without public consent! And despite THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies that indicate 5G is harmful to your health. And disregarding millions trying to raise the red flag and stop its deployment. Understand the dangers and learn how to implement better solutions in your community! Don’t miss The 5G Summit from June 1-7, 2020, free and online!  Click here to learn more.

Your body is more than a set of biochemical interactions. It’s time to see your body as ENERGY.  Register for this summit and learn precisely how you can access that energy as part of your health journey — and get the tools and learn the language of your “Body Electric!”  Free and online from October 7-13, 2019.  Click here to learn more.

Why are autoimmune diseases so hard to cure?  The truth: doctors cannot cure what they do not understand.  These experts discuss how autoimmune diseases CAN be reversed and put into remission.  Don’t miss the Betrayal docuseries from July 29 – August 6, 2019, free and online.  Click here to learn more.

Are our genes our fate? Learn what was found out from some of the healthiest centenarians on the planet, as well as experts to help explain it. Check out The Human Longevity Project for free from June 19-27, 2019, free and online.  Click here to learn more.

Still the MOST common and MOST misdiagnosed autoimmune issues, thyroid conditions continue to impact tens of millions worldwide — join us to reset back to healthy. Don’t miss The Thyroid Reset Summit from March 4-10, 2019, free and online.  Click here to learn more.

More WOMEN die of heart disease than all cancers combined, yet we continue to think of it as a MAN’s problem. Learn why women must  be treated differently in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease — we can all help prevent it.  Free online from February 4-10, 2019.  Click here to learn more.

The unrecognized consequences of mold toxicity can create hormonal imbalances, brain disrepair, chronic gastrointestinal issues and multiple autoimmune conditions — join us and learn to identify and treat exposure.  Free online from January 28 – February 3, 2019.  Click here to learn more.

The popular way conventional doctors treat autoimmune diseases is to prescribe immune-suppressing drugs — which is causing an even greater health crisis. Learn to treat the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms.  Free online from November 5-11, 2018.  Click here to learn more.

A great panel of amazing experts teaching you about IBS, SIBO, leaky gut or other digestive disorders, and how to identify the root cause of your struggles.  Free online from September 3-10, 2018.  Click here to learn more.

What if digestion issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, Lupus, Parkinson’s, depression, brain fog and other autoimmune conditions were part of one huge epidemic?  Click here to learn more.

Up-to-date research and wisdom about food, nutrition, disease prevention, and environmental stewardship.  Click here to learn more.

Can this one sacred plant change or even save your life?  Click here to learn more.

Featuring over 60 experts on the cutting edge of nutritional health.  Click here to learn more.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

What is a visit with Dr. Sachs like?


What our clients say

Andrea N.

I just got off the phone with Emy and wanted to thank you. She thought you were brilliant, wonderful, helpful, encouraging…as I knew she would. I think she is jazzed up to make some changes and I hope they stick! Thanks so much for seeing her and being your most special self.

Kim P.W.

Dr. Sachs is a unique physician because she discusses a realistic approach to your health issues in a way that honors you goals and beliefs. After working with you extensively, she spends hours preparing a foundation for a power, effective and safe system of health and healing. I have never been to a Dr. who is so committed to helping you.

Barbara E.

I am ever grateful for Dr.Sachs’s thorough care and for her extensive medical and holistic health knowledge and expertise that was key to my FULL recovery from numerous health problems!