How can I help

How Can I Help?

Dr. Sachs prevents and treats chronic illness by addressing their underlying root causes, remaining respectful of the uniqueness, complexity, and intuitions that make us human.

The first consultation, whether in the office or using telemedicine video, begins the process of uncovering and correcting the underlying root causes of your health concerns.

First, she listens to your concerns. Then, Dr. Sachs will share her comprehensive, thoughtful assessment of your entire health story, including your symptoms and concerns and your previous medical records including any past laboratory studies.

Then a personalized plan will be created explaining why and how each area of your health and healing will be addressed:

Ongoing education and practical support is always included with every new patient appointment with Nancy Uston-John, our Health Coach Extraordinaire!!  Nancy will work with you to make your plan practical and doable, and never overwhelming.

You will never be alone on this healing journey.  We are here to help you understand how your body works and how to live a healthy lifestyle.