- Have any questions?
- 860-354-3304
- mail@tsachsmd.com
The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It relies on a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to help the doctor create personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.
By addressing root causes, rather than symptoms, we become more aware of the complexity and interconnectedness of chronic disease. One condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.
Acne, ADD, ADHD, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, cancer, chronic fatigue, chronic sinusitis, dementia, depression & anxiety, detoxification & healing, diabetes, digestive disorders (IBS, IBD, GERD/reflux), eczema/psoriasis, elevated cholesterol, environmental & food allergies, fatigue, female disorders (PMS, menopause, PCOS, infertility), fibromyalgia, healthy aging, healthy weight, heart health, high blood pressure, hormone balance, inflammation, interstitial cystitis, mercury & heavy metal toxicity, metabolic syndrome/pre-diabetes/ insulin resistance, migraines & headaches, MS (multiple sclerosis), osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, restless leg syndrome, sleep/insomnia, stress-related fatigue, thyroid & adrenal disorders, vitamin deficiencies, yeast infections and many more.
Dr. Sachs will review and summarize your detailed intake forms, your Health History and any labs you may have had done in the past two years – all prior to your consultation so you can maximize your time with her. You will get 90 minutes of uninterrupted time with the doctor, either in person or via Zoom video chat, plus:
Dr. Sachs will spend quality time with you to listen, understand, clarify and reframe your medical situation using a functional medicine model, which seeks to find the underlying causes of chronic symptoms. The functional medicine model views all parts of the body and mind as interrelated systems that are in communication with each other, rather than as separate organs which each require their own specialized care, like Cardiology or Endocrinology.
Dr. Sachs will fix those underlying root causes by finding the connections and clues needed to figure out why you have not healed – our bodies heal unless something interferes with or is missing from the healing process. She will identify the areas that need correcting and design a specific plan to do just that.
You will learn what’s missing from your body, how to remove whatever is interfering with the healing process, and what you need to supply to regain your body’s innate ability to mend.
You will have ample time to ask questions and will leave the office with a different and much clearer understanding of what is going on in your body.
Our Health Coach, Nancy Uston-John, will help you with every aspect of your plan. An hour of her time is included in 90-minute New Patient appointments. She is also available at a fee for additional sessions.
Nancy works either over the phone or via video chat. She will help you with recipes, meal plans, ideas for exercise and stress management and whatever else you require as you begin your journey to better health.
You will gain access to Elation Passport, our secure, online patient portal and communication tool. Elation Passport allows you to submit refill requests, send secure messages to the doctor, Health Coach or anyone on the office staff, and to view any handouts, forms, educational tools and reference materials that Dr. Sachs feels are appropriate for your case.
Support is always available from our kind and helpful staff who will be able to answer any questions that may come up along the way.
Our blog, Facebook page, Instagram feed, Twitter feed and weekly newsletter are all yours to enjoy with informative, cutting-edge information, designed to improve and protect your health and the health of those you love.
Dr. Sachs’s website is full of carefully curated, vetted information along with links to reputable sites full of valuable resources for all things concerning health.
If you are local, you will also have the use of our extensive Lending Library of books, CDs and DVDs.
Please note: without a face-to-face visit in our office in CT, Dr. Sachs does not have the ability to prescribe if the need should arise – this would include prescription medications, compounded medications like LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) and medical marijuana, bioidentical hormones, appointments with specialists and certain diagnostic tests. If you are too far away to come to CT, however, you will still have the same benefits that a visit with Dr. Sachs brings! Where she cannot prescribe, she can make recommendations for you to share with your local healthcare provider.
Almost nothing! Laws have changed in CT and telemedicine is now the same as an office visit except:
Other than that, the appointments are the same and you receive the same benefits from your time with the doctor. For more details on the the CT telemedicine laws, click here.
Juice Plus+ is a whole food concentrate, made from fresh, vine-ripened produce especially grown for the JP+ Company by dedicated farmers.
The entire food – skin, stems and seeds — is washed and pulverized, the water is removed and the powders are combined and put into capsules, both for convenience and to protect the nutrients from oxygen. Because it is made from vine-ripe, pulverized, or pre-digested, whole foods, Juice Plus+ is very easy to digest and absorb.
The trio of capsule colors provides 30 different whole foods, daily, with the variety and spectrum of colors that no one can otherwise consume daily, with the skin and more nutrients than any other product. There are almost no calories or carbohydrates, just concentrated phytonutrients and important antioxidants.
Juice Plus+ has a Food Facts label, not a Supplement Facts label. It is the only product of its kind to be recognized by the FDA as a food. Juice Plus+ is not intended to replace eating fresh produce, but is the first unique whole food concentrate designed to complement a good diet.
Juice Plus+ powders contain the active enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, trace elements, hundreds of antioxidants, and the thousands of phytonutrients naturally found in colorful plant foods.
Juice Plus+ contains NO pesticides, insecticides, heavy metal residue, GMO or microbial contaminants. Organic produce cannot make that claim.
Every batch of JP+ is tested for over 300 different contaminants at the beginning, middle and end of the process. The National Safety Foundation (NSF) and several similarly trusted European and Asian groups independently verify the Juice Plus+ production and all product claims.
No gluten, dairy or GMO ingredients are in any product made by the Juice Plus+ Company and ALL are vegan.
Over 38 studies have been published in top-ranked peer-reviewed journals over the past 25 years. All of the studies have been done in human beings, not test tubes or mice, and Juice Plus+ has been studied in thousands of people: in the young and the old, the healthy and the sick, in smokers, obese boys, pregnant teens, ovarian cancer survivors and elite athletes. Renowned researchers in a wide range of specialties from medical and university centers all over the world have studied — and continue to study — the remarkable and consistent benefits that occur when people take JP+. Juice Plus+ has been proven to maintain a healthier immune system, improve cardiovascular health, reduce free radicals and oxidative stress, improve skin and gum health and much MUCH more.
Every disease is worse with poor nutrition and every disease is better with good nutrition.
For research articles click here.
For more information, contact your Juice Plus+ representative or go to www.eathealthy.ws.
As mentioned, the cost of an hour with our Health Coach, Nancy Uston-John, is included in your 90-minute Initial Consultation with Dr. Sachs. Nancy will contact you within a couple of days of your Initial Consultation with the doctor, inviting you to schedule this appointment with her, which can be done either over the phone or via Zoom video chat. Nancy will help you implement the plan that Dr. Sachs puts in place for you. She can supply you with recipes, meal ideas and/or cooking strategies, give you tips to improve your sleep, exercise routine and stress management plan — or otherwise discuss any topic on health and wellness that you have questions or concerns about. Nancy also sees clients who are no longer new patients of Dr. Sachs, and those who are not patients of Dr. Sachs at the rate of $95/hour or $50/half hour. In addition, she offers packages of 3 sessions of 45 minutes for $225, or 5 sessions of 45 minutes for $375.
An Initial Consultation costs $1200 for a 90-minute appointment with Dr. Sachs (and also includes 60 minutes with the Health Coach).
Follow-Up visits are billed at $360/hour, $270/45 minutes, $180/half hour and $90/15 minutes.
The first visit with our Health Coach is included in the cost of the Initial Consultation. Follow-Up appointments with the Health Coach (or appointments made without a prior Initial Consultation with the doctor) are $120/hour or $60/half hour.
Lab fees vary, but we always use your insurance benefits or our wholesale accounts to minimize your out-of-pocket costs whenever possible. When needed lab tests are not covered by your insurance, we will work with you and do our best to keep the price as low as possible. You will always know, in advance, what those lab costs will be.
Payment for telemedicine appointments is due at the time of booking. Payment for in-office consultations is due at the time of service. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, checks or cash. NOTE: Checks are our preferred method of payment.
Dr. Sachs is considered an “out of network provider.” If you have any questions regarding what your policy coverage and deductible is for an “out of network MD,” please contact your insurance carrier, agent or employer’s HR person directly. Ask what “out of network” coverage you have, or specifically what your coverage is for “appropriately coded diagnostic and treatment services provided by an out of network Medical Doctor.”
Many private insurance carriers will reimburse you for all or part of Dr. Sachs’ fees. For each office visit, you will receive an accurately coded, itemized superbill and receipt, which you may submit directly to your insurance company. The forms you need are generally available on your insurance company’s website. Our superbill and receipt include all the information your insurance company requires to process your claim. Any reimbursements will be paid directly to you. The receipt can also be used to document any non-reimbursed, out-of-pocket expenses for your Health Savings Account (HSA), or your tax returns, as appropriate.
Medicare or Medicaid does not cover Dr. Sachs’s services. Dr. Sachs is not a participating provider. A few secondary policies may cover what Medicare denies.
Everything must be completed before the day of your consultation so Dr. Sachs can read it over prior to your appointment.
We have some supplements available at our office, so you can get what you need right away following your Initial Consultation. While you are under no obligation to buy your supplements from us (and we, of course, respect your decision if you’d prefer to buy your supplements elsewhere), we must stress the importance of buying quality brands, as not all supplements are created equally. Everything we carry is well-researched and NSF-certified, ensuring it is of the highest quality. It is all listed on our website under the tab, “Wellness Store.” All patients are given a discount code for 10% discount off of the retail price (there is no expiration date for this code) at their Initial Consultation. Orders can be placed online at any time and will be shipped to you.
Certainly! Just email Nancy at nancy@tsachsmd.com or call her at 267-227-2584 with your availability. Nancy’s rates are $120/hour or $60/half hour. You can also purchase a package of sessions to have more continuous support (3 sessions of 45 minutes for $320). You can meet with her over the phone or via Zoom video chat. Note: cancellations must be received within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment to avoid a fee.
No, she cannot be your Primary Care Physician. She is trained as a Primary Care Physician, but she requires that you have your own. She is happy to work with your PCP, however, at any time.
Dr. Sachs runs both routine lab work and more specified, cutting-edge tests (specific testing is considered ONLY when it will change the treatment plan or otherwise add value to your health journey). Even routine blood tests are interpreted differently in Functional Medicine and may provide a great deal of new and helpful information.
We always use your insurance benefits or our wholesale accounts to minimize your out-of-pocket costs whenever possible. When needed lab tests are not covered by your insurance, we will work with you and do our best to keep the price as low as possible. You will always know, in advance, what any lab costs will be.
Dr. Sachs does specific testing for nutritional imbalances, toxic load (heavy metals and other toxins), hormones (both salivary and urine), genomics and infections (Lyme, yeast, parasites, etc.) as well as other cutting edge tests.
Dr. Sachs recommends an individualized, overall nutrition and general preventive panel of tests be run every 1-2 years for optimal health and vitality.
The testing offered at Functional Medicine & Integrative Care, LLC includes both preventive and diagnostic testing for nutritional, hormonal, gut function and toxicity/detox system optimization, genetic tests, plus speciality labs for the gut, and Lyme disease and associated infections.
Dr Sachs certifies qualifying patients for medical cannabis, per the CT state guidelines. Qualifying patients must have at least one face-to-face office visit and must be a CT state resident.
Yes, but only with at least one face-to-face office visit and only for certain conditions like cancer, autoimmune diseases and various pain syndromes like fibromyalgia. For more information on LDN, visit www.ldnscience.org.
FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) is a technique for treating pain by using low-level electrical current. It is used to reduce inflammation, repair tissue, and reduce pain – especially nerve and muscle pain. I have used FSM in my office since 2003 and it is also often used at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic. For more information on FSM, visit www.frequencyspecific.com.
We request 48 hours notice for any cancellations or changes of appointment. A fee for last-minute cancellations may be imposed at our discretion.
Our affiliates page, under the “Wellness Store” tab in the top navigation of our website, is a list of our favorite stores. These stores sell products that we use ourselves and love! We receive a small commission if you shop through our links, and we joyfully donate 100% of that commission to the Joe Janowicz Foundation, which supports Heifer International, Smile Train, the Connecticut Food Bank and Green Bronx Machine.
1 Booth House Lane, New Milford, CT 06776
860.354.3304 (Phone)
860.898.8799 (Fax)
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