
Bone Health

The current approach to osteoporosis illustrates two of the biggest problems in medicine today. First is the myth that only drug therapy works, especially when

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3 Tips to Maintain Muscle

Our muscles are so much more important than most people realize!  How much MUSCLE you have is more important than your weight or how much

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What is Functional Medicine?

A Patient-Focused Approach to Health Management Functional Medicine takes a patient-focused approach to health management and treatment rather than a disease-focused approach. It uses scientific

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What is a visit with Dr. Sachs like?


What our clients say

Andrea N.

I just got off the phone with Emy and wanted to thank you. She thought you were brilliant, wonderful, helpful, encouraging…as I knew she would. I think she is jazzed up to make some changes and I hope they stick! Thanks so much for seeing her and being your most special self.

Kim P.W.

Dr. Sachs is a unique physician because she discusses a realistic approach to your health issues in a way that honors you goals and beliefs. After working with you extensively, she spends hours preparing a foundation for a power, effective and safe system of health and healing. I have never been to a Dr. who is so committed to helping you.

Barbara E.

I am ever grateful for Dr.Sachs’s thorough care and for her extensive medical and holistic health knowledge and expertise that was key to my FULL recovery from numerous health problems!